Doing Too Much

T Duong
2 min readApr 28, 2021

I really do too much. I say yes to most volunteering opportunities. I say yes when good girlfriends ask me for a date. I say yes when someone asks me for a favor. I almost always say yes when someone asks for a ride in advance. I have car karma to pay back. I say yes at work 99 percent of the time.

How to cure the Yes Sickness? I really don’t know. I have said No a few times, but it is so rare an occurrence, I cannot remember the last time I said No.

One girlfriend got me a candle that said “JOMO” — Joy of Missing Out. Oh man, I so wish I could JOMO more. But I am so FOMO and YOLO it is ridiculous. I am ridiculous about maximizing every second, every moment, for fun and adventure and friendship.

It drives my partner batty. He wants me to stay still. He wants more time with me. It also has driven friends nuts. Me running to another appointment. Me looking at my watch for the next appointment. So, to the extent that it hurts people who I love…. I need to moderate to ensure my loves feel special, and my loves feel honored by my time with them.

Maybe I have to come to terms with my FOMO-YOLO life. Maybe I have to learn how to schedule it better so I’m not so frantic. Maybe I have to have less friends to say YES to. Maybe I have to block out EMPTY days. Like DOING NOTHING days.

But most days. If someone has an inspiring idea or vision for a day, I’ll light up inside, and say “YES”! because really … why not.



T Duong

mother of 3 boys, reformed lawyer, strategist, aspiring dancer and yogi